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Annecy Festival 2024 is here! The 48th edition of Annecy International Film Festival has a total of 7 Dutch (co-)productions in its line-up.

We present you the Showreel Dutch Animation at Annecy 2023 and below you will find the complete screening schedule of (co)-productions from the Netherlands at the festival. Stay tuned to our website for updates regarding Annecy, including interviews with Dutch animation professionals.

For more information on Dutch animation professionals, festivals and organisations check the updated link to animation industry guide here. For an overview of recent Dutch animation productions also make sure to check out the See NL catalogues here

Feel free to read our interview with Rik Schutte (Wing It!), who we spoke to before heading to Annecy.
When attending Clermont-Ferrand earlier this year, we
interviewed Joost van den Bosch and Erik Verkerk (Ka-Ching Cartoons, Beautiful Men) and Adriaan Lokman (Flow VR). You can also find interviews with Steye Hallema (The Imaginary Friend) who took part in last years Venice Immersive Competition, Mascha Halberstad (Fox and Hare Save the Forest) when her film got selected for the Berlinale and Richard Claus about Panda Bear in Africa before Stuttgart. Find the collection of interviews under the interviews tab!

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