Tekst (tags rechts)
Wing It!

2023 / 4' Dir. Rik Schutte

Wing It!

Rik Schutte

A cat and dog cartoony homage, with a rocket twist.

Wing It! tells a riotous story of how an uptight engineer (a cat) and a wannabee pilot (a dog) eventually succeed in getting their space shuttle off the ground, at least for a short while…

Main Category: Animation · Short
Expected Completion: August 2023
Original Film Title: Wing It!
English Film Title: Wing It!
Production Year: 2023
Running Time: 4
Original Language: No spoken language
Colour / B&W: colour
Director: Rik Schutte
Debut Status: 1st Animated Film
Main Production Company: Blender Studio
Main Production - Person(s): Fiona Cohen · Francesco Siddi · Ton Roosendaal
Main Production Company Phone: +31 6 2984 2759
Main Production Company E-mail: francesco@blender.org
Main Production Company Website: https://studio.blender.org