Tekst (smal)

Three Dutch shorts at Tribeca

Tribeca Film Festival is running from June 5 to 16

Dutch short films are on their way to Manhattan to be part of Tribeca's short film programme.

Still: Fuck-a-Fan - Muriel D'Ansembourg

The incredible Fuck- a-Fan* by Muriel D'Ansembourg is the first one on the list to represent the lowlands in New York City. The film, produced by Isabella Films (Sales: Audrey Clinet), will be having its world premiere at the festival.

Dutch director Madeleine Homan will be presenting the animated short film
The Creators, her graduation film at the University of West England. The film, set in another dimension where the Creators are working on an ambitious project, will be celebrating its North American premiere at Tribeca. Previous festival selections include Animafest Zagreb, Cinekid and London International Short Film Festival. 

The last Dutch film taking part in the festival is LUKi & the Lights by Toby Cochran. The film serves as a platform for children and families to discuss ALS. It is produced by Big Grin Productions (US), with support from the ALS Association (NL).

Find out more about Tribeca Film Festival here.


*Film is supported by the Netherlands Film Fund