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The Creators

2023 / 5' Dir. Madeleine Homan Sales. SND Films

The Creators

Madeleine Homan

In another dimension, the Creators are working on an ambitious project. As they painstakingly bring life to every aspect of existence, they get confronted with their mistakes and flaws, revealing their imperfections. Creating a world that mirrors their imagination is no easy task, even for the Creators.

Main Category: Animation · Kids & Youth · Short
Expected Completion: 2023
Original Film Title: The Creators
Production Year: 2023
Running Time: 5
Original Language: No spoken language
Colour / B&W: colour
Genre: Animation
Animation Technique: 2D Drawn
Director: Madeleine Homan
Debut Status: Graduation Film
Filmography Director: FUR (2022, short animation) Festivals: o.a. New York International Children’s Film Festival, Cinekid, Kaboom Animation Festival, Kersvers winner 2023 Internationaal Film Festival Assen.
Main Production Company: University of West England
Main Production - Person(s): Madeleine Homan
Main Production Company E-mail: hello@madeleinehoman.com
Main Production Company Website: www.madeleinehoman.com
Sales Agent: SND Films
Sales Agent E-mail: sydney@sndfilms.com
Sales Agent website: https://www.sndfilms.com/