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Tummy Tom 2: A New Friend for Tummy Tom

2024 / 62' Dir. Erik Verkerk · Joost van den Bosch Sc. Burny Bos Prod. Phanta Animation (NL) Sales. Incredible Film

Tummy Tom 2: A New Friend for Tummy Tom

Erik Verkerk ยท Joost van den Bosch

A new dog on the block turns the lives of Tummy Tom and Cat Mouse upside down. But the troublemaker ends up being a good protector and a new friend for both.

On a beautiful winter day, the world of Tummy Tom and his friend Cat Mouse suddenly changes. Snow! You can play and slide in it. But something else has changed as well. A new dog on the block turns the lives of Tummy Tom and Cat Mouse upside down. But the troublemaker ends up being a good protector and a new friend for both.

Main Category: Feature Film
Expected Completion: December 2024
Original Film Title: Dikkie Dik 2: Een nieuwe vriend voor Dikkie Dik
English Film Title: Tummy Tom 2: A New Friend for Tummy Tom
Production Year: 2024
Running Time: 62
Original Language: Dutch
Colour / B&W: colour
Filmography Director: Joost van den Bosch & Erik Verkerk: a.o. Tummy Tom and the Lost Teddy Bear (2024, feature), The GROWcodile (2024, feature), INK (2020, short).
Screenwriter: Burny Bos
Cast: André van Duin
Main Production Company: Phanta Animation (NL)
Main Production - Person(s): Burny Bos · Jolande Junte · Linda Snoep · Petra Goedings
Main Production Company Phone: +31 20 626 0255
Main Production Company E-mail: film@phantavision.com
Main Production Company Website: www.phanta-animation.com
Co-production company: BosBros · Eyeworks Film & TV Drama (BE)
Sales Agent: Incredible Film
Sales Agent Phone: +31 6 5394 8986
Sales Agent E-mail: danielle@incrediblefilm.nl
Sales Agent website: www.incrediblefilm.com