2024 / 32' Dir. Eefje Blankevoort · Lara Aerts Prod. Prospektor
Samrawit is a sparkling 16-year-old who, when aged 8, did the impossible and fled solo from repressive Eritrea. But in the Netherlands, her problems aren’t over, so she decides once more to take matters into her own hands…
Samrawit is a sparkling, ambitious 16-year-old girl. When she was eight, she did the impossible. She fled by herself from Eritrea, a repressive dictatorship. But in the Netherlands, her problems are not over. Learning the language is hard, and she just can’t manage to make Dutch friends. Once again, Samrawit decides to take matters into her own hands. With her own film about her story. If people know who she is and what she carries with her, will they finally understand her?