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Everything Will Be Alright

2024 / 32' Dir. Eefje Blankevoort · Lara Aerts Prod. Prospektor

Everything Will Be Alright

Eefje Blankevoort · Lara Aerts

Samrawit is a sparkling 16-year-old who, when aged 8, did the impossible and fled solo from repressive Eritrea. But in the Netherlands, her problems aren’t over, so she decides once more to take matters into her own hands…

Samrawit is a sparkling, ambitious 16-year-old girl. When she was eight, she did the impossible. She fled by herself from Eritrea, a repressive dictatorship. But in the Netherlands, her problems are not over. Learning the language is hard, and she just can’t manage to make Dutch friends. Once again, Samrawit decides to take matters into her own hands. With her own film about her story. If people know who she is and what she carries with her, will they finally understand her?

Main Category: Documentary · Kids & Youth · Short
Expected Completion: November 2024
Original Film Title: Alles komt goed
English Film Title: Everything Will Be Alright
Production Year: 2024
Running Time: 32
Original Language: Dutch · Tigrinya
Colour / B&W: Colour
Filmography Director: Eefje Blankevoort: a.o THE MIND GAME (2023, feature doc). Awards: a.o:. Youth Award & Bring the Change Award Biografilm Festival Bologna, Youth Jury Prize Human Rights FF Berlin, Best International Feature Documentary DOCSMX Festival, HAMMOUDI’S DREAM (2021, short doc), Festivals: DokFest Munchen, IDFA; DURRAB’S LABYRINTH (2021, short doc), SHADOW GAME (2021, feature doc). Awards: a.o. Golden Calf Best Long Documentary Netherlands FF, Grand Geneva Award & Youth Jury Award FIFDH, Dutch Movies Matter Award , Prix Europa Best TV Documentary, Young Jury Award Festival Dei Popoli, JANO & SHIRO: A BROTHERS’ JOURNEY (2020, short doc) Festivals: IDFA, Munich IDF. Lara Aerts: GIRLSBOYSMIX (2020, short doc). Awards: a.o. Best Documentary JEF Youth FF Antwerp, Best Documentary Shortcutz Amsterdam, Best Youth Documentary Minikino Bali, Queer Award of Niedersachsen Braunschweig IFF
Main Production Company: Prospektor
Main Production - Person(s): Laura Verduijn
Main Production Company Phone: +31681429024
Main Production Company E-mail: natascha@prospektor.nl
Main Production Company Website: https://www.prospektor.nl/
2nd Main Production : HUMAN