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2023 / 20' Dir. Deniz Tortum · Sister Sylvester Sc. Deniz Tortum · Sister Sylvester


Deniz Tortum · Sister Sylvester

‘You are in two worlds at the same time. Your body is in the other world, but your heart is in this one.’

‘You are in two worlds at the same time. Your body is in the other world, but your heart is in this one.’ To exist in the virtual world is to have two bodies, four hands, two hearts. Alma, a mysterious guide to this double world, leads you through questions around the climate crisis, irreconcilable realities, and the virtual as a place to take shelter.

Main Category: Short · Virtual Reality (VR)
Expected Completion: August 2023
Original Film Title: Shadowtime
English Film Title: Shadowtime
Production Year: 2023
Running Time: 20
Original Language: English
Major topic: climate & Environment · technology
Director: Deniz Tortum · Sister Sylvester
Filmography Director: Sister Sylvester: OUR ARK (2021, short doc) Festivals & Awards: a.o. UDFA, Best Short Film-Istanbul FF, Hot Docs, BAFICI, True/False FF, Taiwan Int. Doc. Festival. Deniz Tortum: OUR ARK (2021, short doc) Festivals & Awards: a.o. UDFA, Best Short Film-Istanbul FF, Hot Docs, BAFICI, True/False FF, Taiwan Int. Doc. Festival. PHASES OF MATTER (2020, doc) Festivals & Awards: a.o. IFFR, Best Documentary-Istanbul FF, Best Documentary-Antalya FF, Labocine Special Mention-Imagine Science FF, Best Film and Best Director-Accessible FF, Museum of the Moving Image First Look, Dokufest. FLOODPLAIN (2018, VR) Festivals: a.o. Venice FF, São Paulo IFF, Thessaloniki IFF, True/False Film Festival 2019, SEPTEMBER 1955 (2016, VR) Festival: !F Istanbul FF, HOSPITAL WITH ONE ENTRANCE AND TWO EXITS (2016, VR).
Screenwriter: Deniz Tortum · Sister Sylvester
Main Production Company: Institute of Time
Main Production - Person(s): Ecegul Bayram · Firat Sezgin
Main Production Company Phone: +31 6 3869 5335
Main Production Company E-mail: info@instituteoftime.com
Main Production Company Website: www.instituteoftime.com