Tekst (tags rechts)

2016 / 2' Dir. Marlies van der Wel Sc. Marlies van der Wel · Ruben Picavet Sales. SND Films


Marlies van der Wel

During a bird migration Sabaku is separated from the group. So he needs to find a new buddy and connect with the other herd animals. It's the start of a difficult journey, but one on which he really belongs.

Main Category: Kids & Youth · Short
Expected Completion: 2016
Original Film Title: Sabaku
English Film Title: Sabaku
Running Time: 2
Original Language: English
Colour / B&W: colour
Genre: Comedy · Drama · Kids & Youth · Short
Screenwriter: Marlies van der Wel · Ruben Picavet
Co-Production: 100%
Main Production Company: -
Main Production - Person(s): Marlies van der Wel
Co-production company: 100%
Sales Agent: SND Films