Tekst (tags rechts)

2010 / 12' Dir. Evert de Beijer Prod. CinéTé Film Produktie


Evert de Beijer

Spotty lives for his computer game until he gets a real kiss.

A high-school kid is addicted to a computer game where he protects a sexy mega singer against all kinds of attack and "wins" her love. But this addiction comes at the cost of his homework and his sense of reality, until a girl in his class gives him a real kiss.

Main Category: Animation · Short
Expected Completion: 2010
Original Film Title: Get real!
English Film Title: GET REAL!
Running Time: 12
Original Language: No spoken language
Colour / B&W: colour
Genre: Animation · Short
Director: Evert de Beijer
Main Production Company: CinéTé Film Produktie