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Netherlands Film Production Incentive reopens for high-end series

The Film Fund is pleased to announce that the successful Netherlands Film Production Incentive will reopen for high-end series as per August 2022. € 11.5 million has been allocated by the State Secretary for Culture and Media until the end of 2022. Also, some adjustments have been made to the regulations in order to stimulate the impact of the incentive for both independent films and series.

“The Production Incentive aims to improve both the quality of the production climate in the Netherlands, as to stimulate talent and ambition.”, says director Bero Beyer, “At the same time, the incentive scheme must stay connected to developments in the film sector, both nationally and internationally. The essence for the Film Fund is that the independence of both the production company and the production itself is guaranteed and that the supported projects are accessible to a wide audience.”

The scheme and adjustments have been discussed with the relevant parties in the sector. This has been done against the background of the fast changing film- and media landscape, including the way how films and series are experienced by the audience. Also the after-effects of the pandemic era on the production sector, the position of (international) media companies and the importance of fair practice (including payments) for film professionals played a role. 

Still of The Spectacular - an Incentive high-end series

The most important changes at a glance:

High-end series

The arrangement for high-end series will be reintroduced as per August 1, 2022. The incentive will be open to high-end drama, documentary and animation series until at least the end of 2022.

Cash rebate increased to 35%

All film productions and high-end series that qualify for a grant can count on an uplifted cash rebate of 35%.

Production budget at least € 1 million

The required production budget must meet the original minimum of 1 million euros.

Theatrical window cinema release

The theatrical window has been reduced from 16 to 12 weeks. Cinema release remains the primary goal, but there is more room for further visibility and exploitation.

Independence of the applicant and the project

The Film Fund has clarified a number of articles to guarantee the autonomy of applicable independent producers and the creators involved on both an artistic and a business level. For example, at least two non-related, financing parties in addition to the Film Fund have to be attached  to  the film production. Also, the independent production should be accessible for the audience through multiple channels.

Minimum eligible spend

In order to broaden the accessibility for documentaries, the minimum eligible spend has been reduced to at least €100,000. For high-end series a minimum of 15% eligible spend of the total production budget is required.

The information about the Film Production Incentive on our English website is being updated. Please keep checking the site regularly or click here for the updated information in Dutch for film production, or here for high-end series.