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L'Heure bleue

2022 / 24' Dir. Danielle Huyghe · Stefan Mandersloot Sc. Caylee Nielen · Sid Zeno Duit Prod. Korrel Film

L'Heure bleue

Danielle Huyghe · Stefan Mandersloot

In their struggle with insomnia, two women desperately try to fall asleep, but behind closed eyelids, great fears reveal themselves.

When subdued Jill is admitted to a sleep clinic, she has to share a room with the rigid, seasoned Danielle. When the clock strikes 10 and the lights go out, their struggle begins. The two women force themselves to sleep. As soon as the fatigue sets in and their subconscious takes over, painful imaginations show themselves. Jill is confronted in her dreams with her fear of failure. The painful possibility of not being good enough. And the chance that her physical body will one day give up. She frantically tries to fight against losing the control she so desperately needs. Danielle's subconscious puts her in the midst of a pounding regime, facing her loneliness. Her fear of not being able to keep up with the pressure and speed of society is painfully symbolized in her dreams. The darkness of their shared night brings the women closer together.

Main Category: Experimental Film · Short
Expected Completion: April 2022
Original Film Title: L'Heure bleue
English Film Title: L'Heure bleue
Production Year: 2022
Running Time: 24
Original Language: No spoken language
Colour / B&W: Colour
Filmography Director: L’HEURE BLEUE (2022, dance short), Festivals: The New Dutch CineFest Cinedans. ONTKOPPELING (2021, dance short). Festivals and Awards: Best performance, Fiver International Dance Film Festival (ES), Nomination best dance film Danc’in Bo Film Festival, Bologna (IT)
Screenwriter: Caylee Nielen · Sid Zeno Duit
Camera: Jason Hornung
Cast: Danielle Huyghe · Jill Kupers
Main Production Company: Korrel Film
Main Production - Person(s): Nynke Bonnema
Main Production Company E-mail: nynke@korrelfilm.nl
Main Production Company Website: https://www.korrelfilm.nl