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2021 / 70' Dir. Oeke Hoogendijk Sc. Oeke Hoogendijk Prod. Discours Film Sales. Go2Films


Oeke Hoogendijk

In Housewitz, daughter and filmmaker Oeke Hoogendijk tries to find out the reason behind her mother’s categorically refusal to leave her house.

Lous Hoogendijk-de Jong literally hasn’t been outside her home for dozens of years. She has a recurring nightmare which she puts down to the day when as a Jewish girl she was taken from her house and deported to the Nazi camps. What seems perfectly ordinary in this film at first sight - a woman in a living room watching tv with her cat - gradually turns into an oppressive reality where the inside and outside worlds are at odds and housemate Holocaust is a daily presence.

Main Category: Documentary
Expected Completion: 2021
Original Film Title: Thuiswitz
English Film Title: Housewitz
Production Year: 2021
Running Time: 70
Original Language: Dutch
Colour / B&W: Colour
Genre: Documentary
Director: Oeke Hoogendijk
Filmography Director: Treasures of the Crimea (2021), 90’ LIGHT - Stockhausens Legacy (2021), 120’, My Rembrandt (2019), 97’, world premiere IDFA 2019, cinema release in the Netherlands, USA/Canada, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Norway, UK/Ireland, Spain Marten & Oopjen, Portrait of a Marriage (2019), 56’, broadcasted by NTR (the Netherlands) and VRT (Belgium) The New Rijksmuseum - The Film (2014), 130’, world premiere IDFA 2014, IDFA Best Dutch Documentary Award 2014, Beeld & Geluid Award 2014 The New Rijksmuseum eps. 3 &4 (2013), 2x 50’, NTR, 2013 Special Jury Award Gouden Kalf Netherlands Film Festival, Zilveren Nipkowschijf 2013, The New Rijksmuseum eps. I & 2 (2008), 2x 50’, NPS The Holocaust Experience (2002), 50’, IKON, world premiere IDFA 2002 The Saved (1998), 90’, NPS, winner Dutch Academy Award ‘Gouden Beeld’ 1998 and Euro- Comenius Award Vienna 1999
Screenwriter: Oeke Hoogendijk
Main Production Company: Discours Film
Main Production - Person(s): Frank van den Engel
Main Production Company Phone: + 31 (0) 6 51170099
Main Production Company E-mail: discours@xs4all.nl
Main Production Company Website: discoursfilm.nl
Sales Agent: Go2Films
Sales Agent website: www.go2films.com