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2019 / 90' Dir. Vincent Boy Kars Sc. Jolein Laarman

Drama Girl

Vincent Boy Kars

A young woman is given the lead in a film based on the dramatic events of her own life story.

A cinematic experiment in which a young woman is the protagonist in a film based on her life story. During the process, filmmaker Vincent Boy Kars and lead actress Leyla de Muynck negotiate how her story should be told. How does someone’s personal story translate into narrative on film? And can drama, as a genre, help us better understand ourselves and the world around us?

Expected Completion: End 2019
Original Film Title: Drama Girl
English Film Title: Drama Girl
Running Time: 90
Original Language: Dutch
Colour / B&W: Colour
Genre: Documentary
Director: Vincent Boy Kars
Filmography Director: INDEPENDENT BOY (2017, doc), MY FIRST PORN FILM (2015, short doc).
Screenwriter: Jolein Laarman
Main Production Company: 100%
Main Production - Person(s): Olivia Sophie van Leeuwen
Main Production Company Phone: +31 20 639 1402
Main Production Company E-mail: docs@100prcnt.film
Main Production Company Website: https://100prcnt.film