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The Treasures of Crimea

2021 / 82' Dir. Oeke Hoogendijk Sc. Oeke Hoogendijk Prod. Zeppers Film & TV Sales. Reservoir Docs

The Treasures of Crimea

Oeke Hoogendijk

How an ancient collection from long lost civilizations became a focal point of one of the world’s major political controversies today.

The travelling exhibition Crimea: Gold and Secrets from the Black Sea is stuck in Amster-dam; the art collection has become a pawn in the fierce power struggle between Russia and Ukraine, with both countries claiming the collection as their own. The Netherlands has un-willingly become a referee: to which party should the treasures be returned?

Main Category: Documentary
Expected Completion: November 2021
Original Film Title: De Schatten van de Krim
English Film Title: The Treasures of Crimea
Production Year: 2021
Running Time: 82
Original Language: Dutch · English · Russian · Ukrainian
Colour / B&W: Colour
Genre: Documentary
Director: Oeke Hoogendijk
Filmography Director: MIJN REMBRANDT (2019, feature). MARTEN & OOPJEN: PORTRET VAN EEN HUWELIJK (2019, feature) HET NIEUWE RIJKSMUSEUM (2014, feature) Awards: 2014 BEST DUTCH DOCUMENTARY IDFA 2014, Amsterdam, voor “Het Nieuwe Rijksmuseum”, 2015 KRISTALLEN FILM PRIJS, voor het behalen van 10.000 bioscoop bezoekers voor Het Nieuwe Rijksmuseum.
Screenwriter: Oeke Hoogendijk
Camera: Gregor Meerman · Sander Snoep
Main Production Company: Zeppers Film & TV
Main Production Company Phone: 020 675 8594
Main Production Company E-mail: info@zeppers.nl
Main Production Company Website: www.zeppers.nl
Sales Agent: Reservoir Docs