Tekst (tags rechts)

2024 / 100' Dir. Zhengfan Yang NL Co-prod. BALDR Film


Zhengfan Yang

A film about the irresolvable experiences of various Chinese folk in different hotels, where they feel like strangers, not only in their rooms but also in their home country.

The hotel room as a place where everyone is a stranger. A place that is yours for just a moment. A temporarily intimate space entered by a maid in order to clean it while, if possible, not leaving a trace of her visit. Each episode of Stranger is set in such a place, and each is captured in one long take. Weaving together a series of episodic stories – some humorous and absurd, some poignant and mysterious – that all unfold within a seemingly confined space, Stranger explores the idea of home while being away from it, and sheds light on the distinctive yet universal experiences of isolation and loneliness.

Dutch Minority Production: BALDR Film
Main Category: Feature Film
Expected Completion: 2024
Original Film Title: Stranger
English Film Title: Stranger
Production Year: 2024
Running Time: 100
Original Language: Mandarin
Genre: drama
Director: Zhengfan Yang
Main Production Company: Burn the Film (CN)
Co-production company: BALDR Film · Norsk Filmproduksjon A/S (NO)