Tekst (tags rechts)

2025 / 25' Dir. Sophia Bulgakova Prod. FIBER Sales. Marieke Nooren


Sophia Bulgakova

A participatory performance blending virtual and physical realities. A reflection on Ukrainian traditions and pre-Christian pagan rituals Otherworlds fuses ancient symbols, soundscapes of traditional instruments and ritual songs with modern XR technologies.

OTHERWORLDS is a contemporary embodiment of an ancient pagan Ukrainian ritual, which honours the cyclical patterns of nature witnessed in the transition of seasons and, with it, the ever-changing flow of life. Following the passage from spring to summer, natural entities such as flowers, trees and ephemeral spaces will act as your guiding spirits through a cycle of communal growth and rebirth. Modern XR technologies bring to life engraved symbols, the scenic sounds of ancient instruments and ritual songs like Vesnyanky and Rusalni pisni. Here there are no answers - your unique journey of movement and sensory experience connects everything.

Main Category: Virtual Reality (VR)
Original Film Title: Otherworlds
English Film Title: Otherworlds
Production Year: 2025
Running Time: 25
Original Language: English · Ukrainian
Colour / B&W: colour
Keywords: Immersive Art
Director: Sophia Bulgakova
Filmography Director: Inevitably Blue (2019, installation), YOU ARE SOURCE PROJECTION AND REFLECTION (2019, installation), Спомини [Spomyny] (2024, installation), we all woke up today from some kind of explosions (2024, installation), Otherworlds (2025, VR) Awards: Special Mention, ART*VR Festival 2024
Main Production Company: FIBER
Main Production Company Phone: +31 6 4123 5624
Main Production Company E-mail: jarl@fiber-space.nl
Main Production Company Website: www.fiber-space.nl
Sales Agent: Marieke Nooren
Sales Agent Phone: +31 6 4560 8987
Sales Agent E-mail: mariekenooren@gmail.com
Sales Agent website: www.fiber-space.nl