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Short Calf Muscle

2019 / 13' Dir. Victoria Warmerdam Prod. Oak Motion Pictures

Short Calf Muscle

Victoria Warmerdam

An absurdist black comedy about Anders - a rather tall 30-year-old - who discovers that the rest of the world seems to think that he is a gnome.

An absurdist black comedy about Anders - a rather tall 30-year-old - who discovers that the rest of the world seems to think that he is a gnome.

Expected Completion: February 2019
Original Film Title: Korte kuitspier
Running Time: 13
Original Language: Dutch
Colour / B&W: Colour
Genre: Black comedy
Director: Victoria Warmerdam
Filmography Director: First short Film. HAPPILY I AM HAPPY (2014, graduation film).
Main Production Company: OAK Motion Pictures
Main Production Company Phone: +31 20 717 3504
Main Production Company E-mail: contact@oakmotionpictures.com
Main Production Company Website: www.oakmotionpictures.com