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2021 / 75' Dir. Shamira Raphaëla Sc. Shamira Raphaëla Prod. Tangerine Tree Sales. Reservoir Docs


Shamira Raphaëla

When Shabu wrecks his grandmother’s car his whole family is angry with him and he has to make amends before his grandmother returns from a vacation in Suriname.

When Fourteen-year-old Shabu wrecks his grandmother’s car on a joyride, his whole family is angry with him. He has a summer to make amends before his grandmother returns from a vacation in Suriname. His mother suggests he should sell popsicles to pay for the damage, but that would hardly get him very far. So he comes up with another solution which will allow him to combine moneymaking with his musical talent and the pleasures of a sultry summer. Will he succeed in making his grandmother proud?

Main Category: Documentary · Kids & Youth
Expected Completion: 2021
Original Film Title: Shabu
English Film Title: Shabu
Production Year: 2021
Running Time: 75
Original Language: Dutch · Surinamese
Colour / B&W: Colour
Genre: Documentary
Filmography Director: OUR MOTHERLAND (2019, doc), DADDY & THE WARLORD (2019, mid-length doc) Awards: Golden Calf Best Short Documentary Netherlands FF, LENNO & THE ANGELFISH (2017, short doc) Awards: IDFA Award for Best Children's Documentary, Best European Children’s Documentary European Children's Film Association, DEAL WITH IT (2015, mid-length doc) Awards: Audience & Jury Award Aruba Int. FF. DEAL WITH IT (2015, mid doc) Nomination best Debut NFF Audience & jury award AIFF Special jury mention MIFF
Screenwriter: Shamira Raphaëla
Camera: Gregg Telussa · Jefrim Rothuizen · Jurgen Lisse · Rogier Timmermans
Main Production Company: Tangerine Tree
Main Production - Person(s): Nienke Korthof · Willem Baptist
Main Production Company Phone: +3 16 1454 7260
Main Production Company E-mail: info@tangerinetree.nl
Main Production Company Website: www.tangerinetree.nl
Sales Agent: Reservoir Docs
Sales Agent Phone: +33 1 84 16 36 15
Sales Agent E-mail: anais@reservoirdocs.net
Sales Agent website: www.reservoirdocs.net