Tekst (tags rechts)
Sad Beauty

2020 / 10' Dir. Arjan Brentjes

Sad Beauty

Arjan Brentjes

When mankind causes its own demise, what could bring consolation?

In a heavily polluted world, a young woman mourns the disappearance of animal species. When she falls ill due to a bacterial infection, nature appears to send her a message in her hallucinations.

Main Category: Animation · Short
Expected Completion: May 2020
English Film Title: Sad Beauty
Running Time: 10
Original Language: English
Genre: Animation · Short
Animation Technique: 2D Drawn
Major topic: Nature and environment
Director: Arjan Brentjes
Filmography Director: So It Goes’ (2019), ‘Sand’ (2017), ‘Tempo’ (2016), ‘Next Man’ (2016), 'Hybris' (2014)
Main Production - Person(s): Arjan Brentjes
Main Production Company Phone: Ph: +31 641377094
Main Production Company Website: https://arjanbrentjes.nl/
Sales Agent: SND Films
Sales Agent Phone: Ph: +31 204040707
Sales Agent E-mail: info@sndfilms.com
Sales Agent website: https://www.sndfilms.com/