Tekst (tags rechts)

2022 / 12' Dir. Catherina losifidis Prod. Volya Films


Catherina losifidis

Selena and Hannah are the only girls in the boys' soccer team…

Selena (14) plays football as the only girl on a boys' team. Her teammates see her as one of the boys. When a new girl joins the team, the dynamic in the group begins to change. Selena does everything she can to protect her position within the group.

Main Category: Kids & Youth · Short
Expected Completion: September 2022
Original Film Title: Buitenspel
English Film Title: Offside
Production Year: 2022
Running Time: 12
Original Language: Dutch
Colour / B&W: colour
Genre: Drama
Debut Status: 1st or 2nd Short
Filmography Director: AMY&MAY (2022, short).
Main Production Company: Volya Films
Main Production - Person(s): Denis Vaslin · Fleur Knopperts
Main Production Company Phone: Ph: +31 10 415 5621
Main Production Company E-mail: info@volyafilms.com
Main Production Company Website: www.volyafilms.com