Tekst (tags rechts)

2020 / 7' Dir. Lara Aerts Sc. Lara Aerts Prod. Prospektor


Lara Aerts

Why is it so important to be a boy or a girl?

Wen Long was born intersex. That means her body doesn’t fit the definition of male or female. Many such children are operated on at a very young age, in order to 'make' them a boy or a girl. Wen Long did not undergo such surgery. Her parents felt their child had to decide herself what sex she wants to be. The adopted nine-year-old wears both boys’ and girls’ clothes and plays with toys intended for both genders. The only problem is that others don’t know what to think of this. This insightful, playful documentary reveals how preposterous the imposed binary gender divide really is. Clothing, toys, toilets – everything is strictly separated. The societal taboo on intersex causes problems. A typical example is the fact that Wen Long’s teacher considers the subject unsuitable for children, even though it is an entirely natural phenomenon that also occurs in the animal kingdom. So why is it weird in humans?

Main Category: Documentary · Kids & Youth · Short
Expected Completion: september 2020
Original Film Title: Meisjesjongensmix
English Film Title: Girlsboysmix
Running Time: 7
Original Language: Dutch
Colour / B&W: Colour
Major topic: Inclusion and diversity · LGBTIQ+
Director: Lara Aerts
Debut Status: 1st or 2nd Short
Filmography Director: Girlsboysmix is the directors debut. Lara Aerts worked as a researcher on the short doc Homo Ludens (De spelende mens)
Screenwriter: Lara Aerts
Main Production Company: Prospektor
Main Production - Person(s): Laura Verduijn
Main Production Company Phone: +31 6 4714 6564
Main Production Company E-mail: laura@prospektor.nl
Main Production Company Website: www.prospektor.nl
Sales Agent: Prospektor
Sales Agent Phone: +31 6 4714 6564
Sales Agent E-mail: laura@prospektor.nl
Sales Agent website: www.prospektor.nl
Festival distribution Company Name: Prospektor
Festival distribution Company E-mail: laraaerts@gmail.com