Tekst (tags rechts)

2020 / 78' Dir. Volkan Üce NL Co-prod. 100% Docs Sales. Cat & Docs


Volkan Üce

Two shy young men start to work in an all-inclusive hotel. A new, absurd world opens up to them. Colourful bikinis, an abundance of food and the management’s demands ensure they will never be the same again.

Dutch Minority Production: 100% Docs
Main Category: Documentary
Expected Completion: December 2020
Original Film Title: All-In
English Film Title: All-In
Running Time: 78
Original Language: English · Turkish
Colour / B&W: Colour
Genre: Documentary
Director: Volkan Üce
Co-Production: 100% Docs
Main Production Company: Cassette for Timescapes (BE)
Co-production company: 100% Docs
Sales Agent: Cat & Docs
Sales Agent Phone: +33 1 4461 7748
Sales Agent E-mail: info@catndocs.com
Sales Agent website: www.catndocs.com