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An Asian Ghost Story

37' Dir. Bo Wang Sc. Bo Wang Prod. Vines Films

An Asian Ghost Story

Bo Wang

This work is about haunting memories of Asia's late 20th-century modernization. The story departs from a 1965 United States embargo on the hair trade, known as the "Communist Hair Ban". Yet, in every wig resides a ghost from the imperial past.

Wigs were vital for the rise of the Asian economy in the post-war era. In the heyday of the 1960s, it was the number four export in Hong Kong's export-orientated industrialization. Between Mao's China - the largest source of hair supplies, and the insatiable Western market, Hong Kong functioned as the gateway. In 1965, U.S. Treasury Department imposed an embargo on "Asiatic hair", to cut off foreign currency to Communist China in the hair trade.

Main Category: Documentary
Original Film Title: An Asian Ghost Story
English Film Title: An Asian Ghost Story
Production Year: 2023
Running Time: 37
Original Language: English · Cantonese
Colour / B&W: colour
Director: Bo Wang
Filmography Director: a.o. THE REVOLUTION WILL NOT BE AIR-CONDITIONED (2022, video installation), MURMURING DEBRIS AND LEAVES SILENTLY FALL ( 2019, hybrid short), MANY UNDULATING THINGS (2019, essay film), THE WANGS (2016, short doc), TRACES OF AN INVISIBLE CITY: THREE NOTES ON HONG KONG (2016, documentary).
Screenwriter: Bo Wang
Camera: Yavuz Selim Isler
Main Production Company: Vines Films
Main Production - Person(s): Ruoyao Jane Yao
Main Production Company Phone: +31 615200854
Main Production Company E-mail: ruoyaoyao@gmail.com
Main Production Company Website: www.vinesfilms.com