Tekst (tags rechts)

2021 / 16' Dir. Emma Branderhorst Sc. Milou Rohde Prod. IJswater Films Sales. Kapitein Kort


Emma Branderhorst

Ruby (15) doesn’t dare to ask her mother for tampons or sanitary pads, because she knows their financial situation doesn’t allow it.

When 15 year old Ruby realizes she is having her period, she doesn’t want to ask her mother to buy her period products, because she knows their financial situation doesn’t really allow it. To make sure she doesn’t bother anyone with her problem, she tries to solve it herself.

Main Category: Kids & Youth · Short
Expected Completion: September 2021
Original Film Title: Vlekkeloos
English Film Title: Spotless
Production Year: 2021
Running Time: 16
Original Language: Dutch
Colour / B&W: Colour
Genre: Coming of age · Drama
Director: Emma Branderhorst
Filmography Director: UNDER THE SKIN (2019, graduation film) Festivals and Awards: a.o. Generation Kplus Berlinale, Winner Wildcard Netherlands FF, Zlin FF, Brussels Short FF, Best Dutch Short Film-Cinekid, FEMME (2017, student short) Festivals: Go Short FF, Shortcutz.
Screenwriter: Milou Rohde
Main Production Company: IJswater Films
Main Production - Person(s): Marc Bary · Nicky Onstenk
Main Production Company Phone: +31 020 4421760
Main Production Company E-mail: nicky@ijswater.nl
Main Production Company Website: www.ijswater.nl
Sales Agent: Kapitein Kort
Sales Agent Phone: +31 6 363 056 27
Sales Agent E-mail: info@kapiteinmedia.nl
Sales Agent website: www.kapiteinkort.nl
Festival distribution Company Name: Kapitein Kort
Festival distribution Company E-mail: info@kapiteinmedia.nl